Unfortunately, most first-time home buyers assume that their very first home should be their “dream” home. I say, “unfortunately” because that is really not the case. You should begin with a home that you can actually afford. On average, people move about every 5 to 7 years, so that can mean that you go through quite a few homes in your lifetime. Most people begin with a “starter” home, then move to a larger home when they change jobs or their family grows, then they may move into what we like to call their “dream home”. They once the children are grown they may decide to purchase a vacation home. Then finally, they may decide to downsize when they retire. With that being said, when you are just starting out on your own you may not be able to afford your “dream home”, so you will have to settle on what you can afford. Yes, it may be small and not exactly what you want, but as long as it is comfortable and has what you “need” that is ok. It is probably a good idea to enlist the help of a professional realtor so he/she can help you select the right property for this time in your life and walk you through the home-buying process. Don’t go it alone because you really need someone with experience on your side to help you select and negotiate the best price. It is in your best interest to work with a Buyer’s Agent. We are here to help you through the home-buying process so just let us know when you are ready!